"It’s hard to move on in life when the shadow of my past is at my heels at all times. Just when I think that I got over the past, and that I’m ready to move on, it sneaks up on me like a jungle cat who’s been starving for days on end and needs food."
Lauren Reynolds has been married for two years, and has been with her husband, Cooper Reynolds for four years. Everything in their life is perfect: Cooper is a loving, understanding husband who thinks the world of Lauren and Lauren reciprocates those feelings. There's just one problem: for four years, before Lauren and Cooper started dating, she was in an emotionally abusive relationship that still haunts her and eats at her every day.
"Silenced" is the story of Lauren's journey to finding absolute happiness in a life that has been ripped to shreds several times. With the help of Cooper, Lauren will overcome and conquer her past, leaving it all where it belongs.

I’ve been in that black abyss before, where there are no primary thoughts…just the demonic voices whispering tales from the past, drowning me in the sea of blackness where there’s no escape, but to let the fire ripple through me and cripple my mind until I’m a huddled mess against the wall…begging for it to stop. Sometimes, nothing can pull me out of the abyss. Other times, it takes Cooper to carry me upstairs and hold me close to him in bed until I stop shaking and crying. But even then the memories don’t go away. They’re still there in the back of my mind lingering and sticking to the shadows until something as small as a grain of sand reminds me of the pain I endured.

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Universal Amazon Link: rxe.me/Y7ZF6Q

Did you click the "BUY LINK" above?! I sure hope so! If you did, YOU JUST WON AN E-BOOK OF AIMEE SHAYE'S "HAVE MERCY!" Didn't click the link? That's okay! CLICK IT NOW and YOU STILL GET "HAVE MERCY"! EVERYONE WINS! How do you receive your copy? PM Aimee on her page (www.facebook.com/aimeeshaye08) with a SCREENSHOT of your purchase of "Silenced!" OR E-MAIL a SCREENSHOT of your purchase to AUTHORAIMEESHAYE@GMAIL.COM (be sure to add the e-mail to your APPROVED LIST as well so she can send you your copy!)
Universal Amazon Link: rxe.me/Y7ZF6Q

“I am many things but normal is not one of them,” says Aimee Shaye when asked to describe herself. She is a twenty-three year old novelist whose genres include Dark-Fantasy, Romance, Erotic Romance, Science-Fiction, and Steampunk. When asked what drives her, Aimee says, “The world around me. The people I know. The love I have gained. The pain I have endured.” Though young, Aimee has experienced many things that she believes no one (man or woman) should ever have to endure, and as a result of that she has turned her pain into liquid words that fill the pages of her books, novels, novelettes, and short-stories.

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/AimeeShaye08?ref=hl
Creative Designer (Matthew's Page): https://www.facebook.com/mpdesignworks
Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/Aimee-Shaye/e/B00P4897VQ/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1425268229&sr=8-1
Twitter: @aimeeshaye
Instagram: @aimeeshaye08
Tumblr: authoraimeeshaye.tumblr.com
Wordpress: aimeeshaye.wordpress.com
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/AimeeShaye
Facebook Street Team Page (Aimee's Faeries): https://www.facebook.com/groups/aimeefaeries
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