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Sunday, November 17, 2019

MV Ellis's Release Blitz for Spider

Title: Spider
Author: MV Ellis
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Series: Rough Ink, book 2
Release Date: November 16, 2019
Publisher: Hot Tree Publishing
Cover Designer: PopKitty Design

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She’s been broken by life. He’s always had it easy. Can they trust each other enough to be the fix they both need?

I used to wonder if there was something wrong with me, because there was nothing wrong with me. I’m a happy, well-adjusted, laid-back guy, or so I always thought. The reality, though, is I’ve been coasting through life, not thinking or feeling, just being

That is until everything goes wrong, and Emi comes crashing into my life in the worst way possible. Yet for all the drama, angst, and heartache she brings with her, she’s also shown me what it means to be human—to feel, love, and hurt. She’s taught me what it meant to be alive. 

She’s so fragile, yet she’s also the strongest person I know—a true survivor. She’s been to hell and back but wakes up every morning ready to fight another day. 

And when tragedy strikes and my perfect world falls apart, she’s the one helping me pick up the pieces. Yet each time she needs me to be there for her, she pushes me away.  

But I refuse to just walk away. She’s taught me that real life isn’t easy, and if something’s worth wanting, it’s worth fighting for.

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Rough Ink Series

(book 1)

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MV ELLIS knows what it’s like to fall head over heels in love with a badass musician. She followed her heart halfway around the world to be with one. She moved from London to Sydney after a steamy holiday romance with a sexy bass player in sultry Brazil.

Twelve years, two children and a dog later, and she’s still smitten. All this with a guy she sat next to on a bus for 36 hours! She has toured internationally as a “WAG,” and her experiences inspire her writing.

Ellis’s love of romance began when she was 11 years old, after a summer spent secretly reading her auntie’s books. She’s been a sucker for an alpha hero and strong heroine ever since.

An avid reader, Ellis always knew she’d write a book of her own one day. She was right about that. Following a career spanning advertising, marketing, and social media, she finally wrote Catching London in 2017.


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